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Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

Video Tutorial For & - Blogger Essential Training
with: Molly E. Holzschlag

Blogger Essential Training with Molly E. Holzschlag is a movie-based workshop for audiences new to blogging and to the newly revamped Blogger weblog service, a free service from Google. Begin by learning what blogs are and the various ways they can be used. You'll quickly get into setting up your weblog, adding specialty features such as comment systems and news-feeds, working with and customizing templates, and even creating team blogs and audio blogs. - 2.5 Essential Training
with: Maria Langer

There are many reasons to have a blog: to inform customers about new products and specials, to share information and expertise with a worldwide community, or to express oneself and communicate publicly. is a free and flexible set of web-based blogging tools that can be used to launch a new blog in minutes. The tools can then be used to personalize the blog and update and improve it continually. In 2.5 Essential Training, Maria Langer walks through the entire process of building and maintaining a blog, from setting up an account to using advanced customization techniques. She explains how to create and organize posts, pages, and links, and also offers tips on how to become a better blogger.

2 Tutorial ini cocok utk anda yg ingin membuat blog gratis di &

HTML Essential Training

Semua dalam 2 CD harga Rp. 30rb saja (blm ongkos kirim)
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